Why is Matcha Better than Coffee?

Why is Matcha Better than Coffee?

Posted by Avery Hastings on

Is Matcha Better Than Coffee?

Looking for a healthier alternative to coffee? You need matcha in your life. If you’re looking to boost your energy levels without the jittery side effects of coffee, matcha might be the perfect solution. Originating from Japan, matcha green tea has been used for centuries for its numerous health benefits and calming effects. Unlike coffee, which can lead to sudden energy crashes and heightened anxiety, matcha offers a smoother, more sustained energy boost. But is matcha better than coffee?

In this article, we'll explore why matcha is not only a healthier alternative to coffee but also a great choice for supporting overall well-being. Dive into the world of matcha and we'll tell you why making the switch could be one of the best decisions for your health and lifestyle.

What is Matcha?

Originating in Japan hundreds of years ago, matcha green tea is taking the world by storm. Made from the same leaves as green and black tea, matcha involves grinding whole green tea leaves into a fine powder. This means matcha powder preserves more nutrients and flavor, making it super healthy as well as delicious.

vibrant green color and antioxidants is matcha better than coffee

What Does Matcha Taste Like?

Brew up the green powder and you’ll find yourself with a bright drink with strong yet well-balanced, earthy flavors. Most matcha has a deep, grassy taste with a hint of nuttiness. It’s often described as umami, making you want to come back for another sip every time.

Does Matcha Contain Caffeine?

Matcha does contain caffeine, although it’s less than most cups of coffee. On average, a cup of matcha contains about 70mg of caffeine, compared to 100-140mg in a cup of coffee. However, matcha can keep you feeling alert for much longer than coffee can, thanks to its unique properties.

How Much Matcha Should You Consume?

You can consume up to 2-3 servings of matcha per day. The recommended serving size for matcha is 1-2g per serving.

12 Reasons How Matcha Provides More Benefits Over Coffee

While coffee and matcha both have their own health benefits, matcha is often considered better for you overall and has fewer potential side effects. It’s gentler on the body and offers a variety of health benefits. Here are twelve reasons why matcha is healthier than coffee:


1. Matcha Regulates Your Energy Levels Better

Ever had the jitters after drinking a cup of coffee? Or felt yourself crash a few hours later feeling worse off? That’s because of the way coffee releases its caffeine— rapidly all at once. This can make your adrenaline spike and affect your glucose and insulin levels, leaving you shaky and hungry. Matcha, however, provides a much “cleaner” caffeine high. The caffeine is released slowly, giving you a longer, smoother energy boost. This is because the amino acid L-Theanine reduces how quickly the body absorbs caffeine. Research shows that the combination of caffeine and L-Theanine in matcha results in improved attention and reaction time without the jittery side effects typically associated with coffee [1].

How Long Does Energy from Matcha Last?

Matcha can keep you feeling alert for much longer—some say from three to six hours—without the risk of jitters and crashing [1][2].|

2. Matcha Reduces Anxiety Levels

The amino acid L-Theanine found in matcha promotes the production of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. This calming effect can help counteract the jitteriness often associated with coffee consumption [3]. By drinking matcha, you can enjoy a calm, focused state without the anxiety spikes that coffee can cause.Studies indicate that L-Theanine has a calming effect on the brain, promoting relaxation and reducing stress without causing drowsiness [3].

3. Matcha Enhances Overall Well-Being

Matcha is not just a drink; it’s a wellness ritual. The process of preparing and consuming matcha can be a meditative practice, promoting mindfulness and relaxation. The antioxidants in matcha, particularly EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), help reduce inflammation and improve overall health [4]. Regular consumption of matcha can contribute to a sense of well-being and balance, making it a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. Research has shown that the antioxidants in matcha help reduce inflammation and promote overall health, contributing to a sense of well-being [4].

4. Matcha Provides Sustained Energy Without the Crash

While coffee gives you a quick energy boost, it often leads to a crash a few hours later, leaving you feeling drained and reaching for another cup. Matcha, on the other hand, provides a steady release of caffeine, thanks to L-Theanine, which slows the absorption of caffeine into the bloodstream. This results in sustained energy levels without the crash, keeping you alert and focused for longer periods [5]. Studies have demonstrated that the combination of L-Theanine and caffeine in matcha results in sustained energy and improved cognitive performance without the typical crash associated with coffee [5].

5. Matcha Has Lower Caffeine Levels

If you’re looking to reduce your caffeine intake, matcha is an excellent choice. With roughly one-third of the caffeine content of coffee, matcha provides a gentler energy boost. This lower caffeine level is less likely to disrupt sleep patterns or contribute to caffeine dependence [6]. You can enjoy multiple servings of matcha throughout the day without the side effects associated with high caffeine intake. Research confirms that lower caffeine levels in matcha make it a suitable alternative for those looking to reduce their caffeine consumption while still enjoying a boost in energy [6].


6. Matcha Supports Mental Clarity and Focus

The combination of L-Theanine and caffeine in matcha enhances brain function, promoting mental clarity and focus. L-Theanine increases alpha brain wave activity, which is associated with a relaxed but alert mental state [7]. This makes matcha an ideal beverage for tasks that require concentration and creativity, helping you stay sharp without the jitteriness of coffee. Scientific studies have shown that L-Theanine increases alpha brain wave activity, promoting relaxation and mental clarity, which enhances focus and cognitive performance [7].

7. Matcha is Better for Your Teeth

Unlike coffee, which can stain your teeth and contribute to bad breath, matcha is actually good for your oral health. The antioxidants in matcha help fight bacteria in the mouth, reducing plaque buildup and preventing cavities. Matcha can also help relieve symptoms of gum disease and reduce oral inflammation [8]. Switching to matcha can mean no more coffee breath and better overall oral hygiene. Research indicates that the catechins in matcha have antibacterial properties that help reduce plaque and improve oral health, making it a better choice than coffee for dental health [8]

8. Matcha Boosts Metabolism

Matcha has been shown to boost metabolism and promote fat burning. Studies have found that matcha is particularly effective at increasing fat loss when consumed before workouts. It can help put your body into fat-burning mode safely, without raising blood pressure or cortisol levels [9]. This makes matcha a great option for those looking to lose weight and improve their overall fitness. Studies have demonstrated that the catechins in matcha boost metabolism and enhance fat oxidation, making it an effective aid for weight loss [9].

9. Matcha Supports Immune Health

Matcha is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that can boost your immune system. The catechins in matcha, particularly EGCG, have been shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties, which can help protect your body against infections [10]. This makes matcha a great beverage choice for supporting overall immune health, especially during flu season. Research shows that EGCG in matcha has potent antibacterial and antiviral properties, enhancing the body's immune response [10].

10. Matcha Promotes Detoxification

Matcha contains chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants that aids in detoxification. Chlorophyll helps to eliminate heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body [11]. Regular consumption of matcha can support your body's natural detoxification processes, promoting overall health and well-being. Studies indicate that chlorophyll in matcha helps detoxify the body by binding to and eliminating harmful toxins and heavy metals [11].

11. Matcha Improves Skin Health

The antioxidants in matcha can also benefit your skin. They help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, reducing signs of aging and improving skin texture. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of matcha can help reduce redness and acne, giving you a clearer, healthier complexion [12]. Scientific research has demonstrated that the antioxidants in matcha improve skin health by reducing inflammation and protecting against free radical damage [12].

12. Matcha Enhances Mood

The combination of caffeine and L-Theanine in matcha can have a positive effect on mood. While caffeine provides an energy boost, L-Theanine promotes relaxation and reduces stress. This combination can help improve your overall mood, making you feel more balanced and happy throughout the day [3]. Studies have shown that L-Theanine and caffeine together enhance mood by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels [3].

How to Get Started with Matcha

For beginners, we recommend choosing a complete matcha set which includes everything you need to start brewing: whisk, bowl, and the matcha itself. Once you have the tools, explore different matcha blends to find your favorites. Remember, the better the quality of the matcha, the better the taste.

Ready to Make the Change from Coffee to Matcha?

Switching from coffee to matcha can be a game-changer. With its myriad health benefits, gentler caffeine boost, and rich antioxidant content, matcha is a wonderful addition to any daily routine. Whether you’re looking to reduce caffeine jitters, improve mental clarity, manage stress, or boost your metabolism, matcha has something to offer. Give matcha a try and experience the difference for yourself!


1. Effects of l-theanine on attention and reaction time response - ScienceDirect  
2. Tea and its phytochemicals: Hidden health benefits & modulation of signaling cascade by phytochemicals - PubMed  
3. L-Theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on mental state - PubMed  
4. Antioxidant effects of green tea and matcha: a systematic review - PubMed  
5. The effect of green tea extract on fat oxidation at rest and during exercise: evidence of efficacy and proposed mechanisms - PubMed  
6. Caffeine withdrawal: A parametric analysis of caffeine dosing conditions - PubMed  
7. L-Theanine increases alpha brain wave activity: A randomized controlled trial - PubMed  
8. Antibacterial activity of green tea catechins against Streptococcus mutans - PubMed  
9. Green tea extract enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight and obese adults - PubMed      [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15640470/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15640470/)
10. Antioxidant and antiviral effects of catechins in green tea - PubMed  
11. Chlorophyll and its derivatives in detoxification: A review - PubMed 
12. The effects of green tea polyphenols on skin health - PubMed  


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